About our Fraternal

Monthly Fraternal Fellowship
Once a Month, we as Ministers of the Fraternal gather together at a different church, in Prayer and Fellowship.

We as Ministers of the Fraternal strives towards building good relationships to ecumenically build the Kingdom of God and fulfill the Great Commission of Christ.

SAPS Services

Once a month, normally the 3rd Wednesday of every month, the Ministers of the fraternal will take turns in ministering to the Police Services staff.
We pray on a regular basis that God will protect, strenghthen and guide all the members of the SAPS in the important but dangerous wor that they are doing.

Sunrise and other Services

Every Easter weekend, on Resurrection-Sunday at 6h00, we have a combined service at the Scottburgh Beach, celebrating the "Rising of the SON of God" while watching the rising of the sun over the sea.
This one of the Highlights of the year and the offering (proceeds) will be donated to a worthy cause(like the Bible Society).

Combined Services

Women World day of Prayer

Friday 3 March 10 am

Saturday 19 May 2018
13th - 20th May at 6pm





Just before Christmas, we celebrate Christmas together by inviting all the congregations to join in a CAROLS BY CANDLELIGHT celebration. This event is  sponsored by the Scottburgh ROTARY CLUB.